NZIB Administrator Vacancy

10 September 2024, 10:43

Administrator New Zealand Indoor Bowls - New Part-time Position

Due to a restructure at New Zealand Indoor Bowls Inc. (NZIB) a new part-time Administrator position has been created.  The successful applicant will report to the NZIB President.

The role requires an experienced and enthusiastic person with initiative and multi-skills and who can demonstrate an ability to work independently and with the NZIB Executive.  The applicant must have excellent organisational and communication skills, verbal and email, intermediate Word and Excel skills and experience with social media.

The successful applicant will need an understanding of financial reporting (Xero) including data entry, maintenance of membership files and records, experience in meeting procedure and recording of minutes, working closely with Boards and a knowledge of how ‘events’ are run.  In addition, experience with booking and coordinating travel and accommodation for meetings and national competitions would be important.

The hours and days worked in the role may be flexible but at certain times of the year e.g. when major tournaments are scheduled, and Executive Meetings are held, these may well determine the hours worked.

Part-Time - 20-25 hours per week/flexible working hours.

Applicants must be a NZ resident/citizen or hold a NZ Work Permit.

The successful applicant will commence in the new role by December 2024.

A job description is available here - /files/5046_20240912103831-1726094311.pdf

If you enjoy sport and working with passionate volunteers, this opportunity is for you!

Applications Close on 1st October 2024.

Please submit applications (CV and cover letter) by email to - [email protected]