2022 NZ Team Nominations Re-opened

1 March 2022, 09:59

2022 Trans-Tasman Nominations Re-opened

With the 2022 Trans-Tasman International event originally scheduled for May being postponed, further nominations are now being accepted.

The proposed new dates for this event are -

Saturday 27th August: Team assembles in New Zealand
Sunday 28th August: Travel to Australia
Monday 29th - Wednesday 31st August: Practice sessions
Thursday 1st - Saturday 3rd September: Trans-Tasman International vs Australia
Sunday 4th September: Travel home

These dates will be confirmed following a meeting with AIBBC on 23 March.

The event will be held at Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.

If you have already nominated you do not need to do so again, however, if you are unable to attend on the proposed new dates, please contact the selectors immediately.

Nominationa close on 4th April 2022.

Download a nomination form here.