Update - 27th August
After the Government’s Announcement this afternoon (Auckland Level 4, rest of NZ Level 3), NZIB Executive had held an online meeting tonight and the following decision has been made:
All Events (including Welch) scheduled for the balance of the 2021 season are postponed indefinitely until we know where the Alert Levels are at and it is safe for everyone to play.
All participants will be notified of these changes via email at the start of next week.
We would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to all the Centres who were going to host these events.
While our country is in COVID Alert Level 3 or 4, we are unable to run any of our upcoming events.
Decisions to date:
NZ Mixed Pairs and Mixed Fours - Postponed to 11-12 September, venue to be confirmed.
NZ Junior Singles - Postponed, date and venue to be confirmed.
Masters Fours - Postponed, date and venue to be confirmed.
NZ Secondary Schools - Cancelled.
All participants of the above events have been notified via email.
The NZIB Executive is convening an online meeting on Thursday 26 August to review the current COVID Alert Levels and consider options for a revised playing schedule for the above postponed events together with the remaining events for the 2021 season as follows:
Welch Trophy Final - 3-5 September, Hamilton
NZ 1-5 Year Singles and Pairs - 11-12 September, Upper Hutt
NZ Henselite Champion of Champion Singles - 18 September, Dunedin
Any decisions will be dependent on a return to Alert Level 2 or below.
NZIB Executive