Coronavirus/Covid-19 - Update 2/5/2020

2 May 2020, 12:48


Greetings Everyone.

While there is a good feeling now that we have moved from Level 4 to Level 3, and we are heading in the right direction, in reality little has changed and your Executive continues to recommend that there be no Indoor Bowls activities/meetings, at least, until we move to Level 2.  In making this call we are very much guided by NZ Government, Ministry of Health and SportNZ.

Early indications are that Level 3 is likely to be in place for only a short while, 2-3 weeks, and so we encourage you to use this period of time to consider and plan for re-opening your Association/Centre and Clubs at a time that best works for you and your members.  Your Executive is currently awaiting the latest release of SportNZ guidelines for Level 2 activity.  As a reminder please adhere to the relevant rules and recommendations provided by the Ministry of Health. 

Your Executive advises that any decisions on NZIB planned events for this year will be made at the meeting on Saturday, 9th May and we will update you shortly after.

Meanwhile we thank you for your understanding, support and co-operation over the lockdown period.  We have received feedback from many of you about the numerous ways in which you have kept in contact with your membership over this challenging period…. well done.         

We urge you to continue to look after your fellow bowlers, in particular those that may be living alone. Please keep in contact via email, phone, txt, Facebook etc.  

We encourage you to keep informed through the media and by accessing these websites -




Ministry of Health:



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