Coronavirus/Covid-19 - Update 20/3/2020

20 March 2020, 14:20


Good Afternoon everyone, following on from our previous update, there have been more developments around COVID - 19 and the Executive have met and inform you as follows:

EVENTS:                                                                                                                                                         The Summerset Nationals scheduled to be held in Whangarei in June and the South Island Championships scheduled to be held in Timaru over Queens Birthday weekend have been cancelled.

The North Island Team tour of the South Island scheduled for August has also been cancelled however a ‘one off’ challenge between the Islands may be held later in the year.

The opportunity to hold all other national events will be reviewed during the month of April with decisions made at the scheduled Executive meeting Saturday 2nd May if not sooner.

Districts and Clubs who wish to proceed with holding events may do so however must work within the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health. On the 19 Mar 2020 the Government reinforced its commitment to protecting the health of New Zealanders from COVID-19 through the cancellation of indoor events with more than 100 people. Please keep up to date here (Ministry of Health) www.covid.19.govt

Please also refer to our guidelines on our website,  these will be added to over the next few days.     


Notwithstanding the current environment we are keen for these to happen and Kevin will be in contact with those districts that have registered shortly after the 23rd March (closing date for registrations).  


The Executive is only too well aware of the impact this series of events is having on Districts and Clubs and has decided to waive payment of affiliation fees to NZIB for the current season.  


Despite the environment we find ourselves in, we advise any Districts and Clubs who wish to continue with their normal activities, that they strictly adhere to the guidelines we and the Ministry of Health have provided. The Indoor Bowls Family is mature, resilient and respectful community who we believe can responsibly continue to deliver bowls in the communities they serve and within the constraints we now have to play the sport within…thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation        

Meanwhile please stay safe and look after each other during these trying times.

Michael Lawson

NZIB President

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