Coronavirus/Covid-19 - Update 12/6/2020

12 June 2020, 13:43


Greetings Fellow Indoor Bowlers

Great news this week with the NZ Government announcing that from Tuesday 9 June we can move to Alert Level 1 - what was just a light at the end of the tunnel is now a spotlight focussed on the opening/resumption of the 2020 season.

With the relaxing of all restrictions, events at National, District and Club level can now be rescheduled.  Your NZIB Executive will be meeting on 13 June to revise the dates of events for the remainder of the 2020 season - keep an eye on the website for the updated calendar.

Although there are no mandatory public health requirements for community sport under Alert Level 1 your NZIB Executive recommends that Districts and Clubs remain vigilant to minimise any further outbreaks of the disease as follows -

  • Feeling unwell - STAY AT HOME!  If players display flu like symptoms, self-isolate and get tested.
  • Continue to practice good hygiene.  Wash and dry hands thoroughly, cough into elbow, and don’t touch your face.  Have hand sanitiser available in multiple locations.
  • Contact Tracing - no longer required but it is suggested that it would be good practice to maintain a register of attendees at events and as a minimum to provide QR codes, where possible, to allow people to log where they have been.
  • Physical Distancing requirements have been removed but attendees should respect the wishes of persons requesting personal separation from others.
  • Mass Gathering limits are also removed, and large events such as tournaments are able to go ahead.  Organisers should be aware they may be required to postpone or cancel any event under the circumstance that an outbreak reoccurs.
  • Keep connected with those members who for personal reasons have opted not to play this season.

Financial Assistance

Pleasing to note that some Districts and Clubs have taken advantage of the financial assistance on offer from Sport NZ through their Community Resilience Fund.  For those who are still considering making a request for funds from this source you are reminded that applications will close on 19 June.  Districts may apply for assistance up to a maximum of $40,000 and Clubs up to $1,000, to offset fixed administration expenses during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As always we thank you all for your understanding, support and co-operation over the various stages of the lockdown.  We greatly appreciate your feedback about the numerous ways in which you have kept in contact with your membership over this challenging period…. please accept our congratulations.         

Good Bowling for the remainder of the 2020 season!


Sport NZ: AND

Ministry of Health:


A PDF version of this article can be downloaded here